Well we’ve had a crack at standard and we’ve had a sneaky peak at EDH now it’s time for a pop at Extended. Post rotation extended has tightened its belt and we can finally say good bye to the dreaded Goyf...
There’s a lot of cards in extended and I’m not even going to try to trawl my way through them. Instead I am going to show you how to make a simple and effective extended deck which is part Lorwyn tribal, part mythic beat down and surprisingly inexpensive...
I call it...
They might be GIANTS (and some cows)
You will need...
Ok this deck is just ballsy aggro with a couple of tricks... You’ll want a favour and a stinkdrinker in the opening hand and if you’re lucky a thundercloud and a bolt.
Turn one lay - a mountain...pass turn in their end step, bolt whatever they’ve dropped..
Turn two - lay a plains and favor of the mighty and pass turn...
Turn three - Drop the stinkdrinker and if it resolves, because of Favor of the mighty, there’s very few ways that they can kill it...
Turn four – because of the stink drinker you can now lay a six mana Titan that will most likely have protection from all colours... And that it this deck in a nutshell... Use Austere Command if it all goes wrong and good luck...
The matchups...
Heaven knows what else folks will be playing these days but here’s what we do know...
V’s White weenie – you should be able to pace them and just swing swing swing,,, use inferno titan to take out spectral processions as soon as they come in...Thunderclouds will help you wipe the board...and keep you on the up...
V’s Merfolk – you’ll have a fight on your hands but you do have some secret weapons. 1. Most of their critters have converted mana costs of 3 or less so as long as you stick with the maulers and the stinkdrinkers, because of Favor he won’t be able to target either your creatures or his with the rejerry, and don’t forget you don’t have islands but he does, so when he drops the lord of
Atlantis you can wipe the smile off his face with your pumped cow shaped merfolk mauler (note to self Lord of Atlantis rotated out and... numpty!)
V’s Cascade Swans – You’ll drive your opponent mental as your deck has an unintentional antidote to his, because of favor of the mighty as long as you keep your critters 4 mana or under your opponent will be unable to target his own swans and thus you’ll ruin his combo without even having to try... (another note to self no one plays swans)
V’s 5 Colour Contol – This one is going to be a bitch, the Quick and toast deck is one of the few decks that can deal with the turn 3 stinkdrinker, it does this with the annoying mechanic ‘Evoke;’ Because evoked creature do technically come into play before they have to be sacrificed they can evoke a Shriekmaw for just one mana and it will, for the split second that it’s in play, become the creature with the highest converted Mana cost and therefore steal protection from all colours long enough enough to kill the stink drinker... So good luck here...
V’s Fairies - this one’s anyone’s game if you get the right start the stinkdrinker will allow you to drop a 2 point thundercloud turn 4 and this should be enough to kill all the fairies, I actually own a thundercloud with a personal message from the artist Greg Staples for just this occasion and you will be pleased to the message often got through loud an clear to Oona and her gang...
Ok the cards in short.
Favor - will give you a mid game advantage and has some interesting fringe benefits.
Taurean Mauler is an incredibly cheap and powerful giant that you can lay for a single red with a stinkdrinker out...
Brion Stutarm is a strong threat early game and his lifelink will help you stabilse your life, use his fling ability late game to break deadlock
Lightning bolt - nuff said / sideboard Volcanic Fallout for fairies...
Inferno and Sun Titan – oh if you could have a £1/$1 for every time someone says ‘oh I forgot they were giants!’ when you drop one turn four... Inferno Titan great for taking out spectral processions / sun titian great for bringing back the Uber Cow...
Austere Command – A pricy but flexible board wiper which has earned its place in many of my decks due to its ability to deal with just about anything.
Hamletback Goliath – pure unadulterated overkill enjoy!
Sideboard – you’ll want grave yard hate for quick and toast and in case some brings living end. So stick in Relic of Progenitis, as mentioned volcanic fallout for fairies and either vexing shushers or Guttural Response for anything with counters...
Landwise if you have the cash then stick in some Arid Mesas, but this deck works fine with the much cheaper Giant Amphitheatre and Rugged Prairie's an d a mixture of plains and moutaiins
(final note to self ...FNM tonight.... They might be Giants does eat Iona/Windbirsk/Summoning Trap and goes toe to toe with Reviellark hurrah!)
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