Well They finally did it...They Broke Magic...There's been a few goes in the past but this lot takes all the biscuits and then smashes them into a weird paste which your evil auntie will then make into the base for a big shit pie...
Wot The Feck? I hear you ask...Well it's a Miracle this lot made it out of the the workshop...
Consider the Mechanic - MIRACLE - If this is the first spell you draw this turn you may play it for Ir's miracle cost... Ok so... spells that cost less if there's a trigger we've seen that before... The Problem here is the missing word... REVEAL... its not there... So what you have to take your opponents word for it? and the other problem is the strength of the miracles... Increasing Savagery for one mana? hallowed Burial for one and of course they have reprinted time walk in Temporal Mastery...
Basically if they don't ban one of then (and they Might) then every blue deck in the meta is going to try for a turn one ponder turn two extra turn,,,
Sure there's the anti counter land, but fat lot of good that's gonna do anyone if they they're a turn behind...
It's a shame because there as some great cards in the set and loads of goodies for yer EDH/Commander deck...
Modern Burn gets the kick it needs in Vexing Devil
and I like this little sneaky card... which, although quite specific, could be great n the right deck..
Jank rare of the Millennium goes to this pathetic excuse for a re-assembling skeleton....
I mean who in their right mind would play this?
Anyway whether they ban Temporal Mastery or ponder is important but it doesn't change the fact that until the next rotation it looks like INFECT is finally going to be the meta breaker...
Two reasons...
Am I right? Of course I am... I'm always right!