Dark Design

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Blue White The Short Con

Ok I’m sticking with blue for the time being, but I‘m also making a welcome return to white. This one is tricksy little number that they won’t see coming first time round, but you’ll have to really sweat to win after they raid the sideboard....Guys this ones for fun...
 I call it...

The Short Con

You will need...
4 Aura finesse
1 Elixir of Immortality (as always)
24 lands including , a few of the blue white non basics and maybe even some Celestial Colonnades

Ok so I said this deck is tricksy and it is exactly that. What you are trying to do is get Celestial Mantle on a creature with one blue mana spare.

The myrs are there to help you ramp and there is some card draw and disruption from the spreading seas.

Ideally you want the Celestial Mantle on a merfolk spy with the spreading sea in play. What you are trying to do is to keep getting combat damage through and therefore doubling your life, before eventually playing a Feldar Sovereign with an umbra on it if you can do this you’ll probably win.

The trick is aura finesse, there’s no way you’re opponent is going to let you double your life and will go hell for leather to prevent you getting the damage through. So you’ll want the Aura on the merfolk spy and our opponent will think you’re trying to use its island walk ability to get the damage through, the real trick is you want him to spend all his mana and removal on the spy, because what you’re really trying to do is get the aura on the student of warfare for double strike damage.Next turn you'll have the chance to flash in eel umbra to protect your Student.

In play testing, I found that opponents will let the student through rather than letting the merfolk in. Of course the trick here is aura finesse and that’s why you wanted the one blue spare, after blockers, once action has been taken and just before damage, flash in aura finesse and switch the Celestial Mantle from the spy to the student(if he wasn’t blocked obviously) , or as soon as they try to deal with the spy. Boom you’ve just caused combat damage with a double striker that means your life doubles twice.  Let’s say you’re on 14 instantly you’ll go to 28 and then 56 in one turn...

Early game you’ll want to play aggro, pace your opponent and to keep the student on the field with umbras and keep him levelled. You must have the aura finese in hand and have the spare mana before you play the mantle. Target anything other than the student, your opponent will think you’re an idiot, but they will be laughing on the other side of their face in a second.  

Next turn you’ll want to umbra up the student, if you haven’t already and then get the sovereign on the field as soon as you can. If you have another Aura Finese then you’re gonna win... because all you have o do is switch the umbra to the sovereign when they try and kill him and unless they can get 16 damage past your blockers, not forgetting the double striking student you will enter your upkeep with over 40 life and win.

Use the wildebeest ti find the auras you need,

You can experiment with some counter spells and white removal and the like, but this deck is quite tricky if your opponent makes the wrong play it will be very hard for them to come back, all you need to do to win late game is keep one card in play.

Against elves you’ll need day of Judgement and more umbra’s... Against - Valakut - you’ll want Leyline of Sanctity-  Against Eldrazi ramp you’ll want divine intervention (that’s a joke not a card) Against Blue/White control you’ll want to play cautiously and remember hitting a planeswalker counts as a player and therefore your life will still double.

The Good news about mythics...

Now I do like Magic and I do respect the boys and girls in R&D I mean they must have such a headache making sure that what they do doesn’t break the system. Of course sometimes cards slip through the net that are stupidly overpowered and I can imagine their faces when on Monday morning the boss drags them all into a meeting to ask them exactly what they were thinking when they let Lotus Cobra out of the building.. My point is, they can’t get everything right and its fun when you find one of their gaps.

 Like the first time you realise that Soliton and Heavy Arbalest is an AK47 and Liquimetal coating and revoke existence is a doomsday laser.  There are other gaps too, not everything can be a mythic and they must spend weeks trying to get that right, but would anyone play a Mox opal over a Steel Overseer or an Archdruid or even a Trinket Mage? I played a 12 player draft recently and opened an Opal. I passed it and 12 turns later I got it back. 

The thing is, I do think Mythics have their place. They artificially inflate their own price and thus devalue normal rares. You can pick up a Birds oF Paradise for £4/$6 these days and that has got to be a record and which would you rather have in your deck?  Having said that kids all it will take for Mox Opal to become the most played card in standard is for Wizards to suddenly think it’s a good idea to bring artifact lands back. 

We are at Adventures in the Meta are looking forward to Mirridon Besieged and shall be making some educated guesses and total punts as to what we might see in the new set very soon, feel free to send in your suggestions and watch this space...

Pssssst.... Pentavus

that was a complete punt but if the R%D boys & girls are watching... please bring back pentavus....

Friday, 12 November 2010

New deck Alert Blue BLack The Fortune Teller

So I’ve gone mad... I don’t know why, but suddenly all I can think about is Blue decks.   I think it was it was the Big Blue Boom Button deck that got me started...
I think a lot and that’s probably why I started this blog... But it dawned on me that the best EDH decks and best causal decks I have played all did the same thing... They all tutored heavily.   Now there are some combo decks around at the moment and this one is no different and no better no worse, but when it works... oh my god when it works... Oh and i decided to make it Blue/Black upon request for a blue black deck from Milenko from Venezuela... And let me say... 

hola a todos los jugadores latinos magia” and I really hope that  translates

Ladies and gentlemen I give you... Blue/Black Uber Control... I call it...

The Fortune Teller

You will need..

2 See Beyond
And a equal mix of swamps and Islands  

Ok so I’ll be the first to say it this is a COMBO deck and therefore it’s going to be hit or miss... It’s a little bit more reliable than the average Combo deck as it will eventually get to the point and there is a good deal of what we used to call scrying in the old days.  

Basically I’ll spare you the nitty-gritty, all you are trying to do here is get Archmage’s Ascension online as fast as possible. So it’s preordain to find a chalice, ramp and lay the ascension as soon as possible ... draw extra cards anyway you can and there’s  load of  ways to do it...

Once you get a counter use Throne of Geth and any artifacts you can to proliferate like mad, until you get it on line. Sac EVERYTHING to get the counters up and don’t forget to draw extra cards and when you’re digging this time, look for voltaic key to un-tap the throne so you can proliferate higher and temple bell to help you draw cards.  

If you’re alive when Archmage’s ascension actually happens, you should be able to turn the game back, because now, you can see the future.

Use temple bell to draw the exact card you need to solve the problems you’re facing, naturally go get a voltaic key first and then un-tap the temple bell.... about to go over to a mindscultor?  go get volition reins...  Need some life? go get consuming vapors... don’t like the look of that baneslayer? Doom blade it,  but not until you have the mimic vat ready and waiting... Or of course you could just cancel it... the other cards are completely up to you, (mine are just suggestions) but what you are looking for is a way to deal with any situation.

How do you win? Well once you’re back on your feet swig in with a Creeping Tar Pit... Oh they forgot about that card (and they will have) boom temple bell for tainted strike... 4 poison counters and you can proliferate it up too... But imagine this... It gets through, it’s late game you’ve been pumping a chalice and maybe some voltaic keys from Gordon Vader’s Patented Portal method?  Which as soon as you have the mana you should go get and thanks to the elixir you could even have played the key early game and even sacked it to the throne to help get the ascension online.  Anyway it’s possible to keep proliferating over and over and even to proliferate your opponent top death in one turn...

Caution peeps ... I’ll be the first to say that this deck is utterly combo based therefore about as reliable as Scottish weather, but sometimes just sometimes it’ll go like a high high-class hooker and with it you’ll wipe the smug smile off some tier-one-net-decker and for the rest of the day you’ll be able to walk on water and heal the sick...*

*Gordon Vader - cannot guarantee that you can walk on water or heal the sick, but he also can’t guarantee that you can’t...


Thursday, 11 November 2010

Big Blue Boom Button aka Grand Architect combo or Mono Blue Eldrazi Ramp

There was something niggling at me yesterday, I probably need to get out more, but instead I decided to build a deck. I’d been working on a blue deck recently and I had a look at some of my cards and a thought struck me...
There are some really broken cards in Scars and two or three cards keep jumping out at me.  So I decided to stick them together and suddenly... the entire game unravelled.

I guess its mono blue Eldrazi ramp?
Ladies and gentlemen, this one is going to raise eyebrows.
I call it... 

Big Blue Boom Button

You will need. 
18 Islands

Ok this deck may take a few run-throughs, before it starts to make sense. At first glance the inclusion of the Eldrazi temple may seem unusual, but as it unfurls I hope you can see the method behind the madness and remember it still taps for one colourless...

This deck uses a few tricks, but where you’re headed is Spawnsire of Ulamog. We’ve seen ideas around this card before and its ultimate ability is so tempting, but equally too out of reach to be competitive. Well it was, this deck smashes that theory and not only makes it possible, it makes it easy... This is how it’s done...

You will need a few cards to make this happen, but they’ll come easy and you won’t even raise an eyebrow until it’s too late.

Big Blue Boom Button uses an engine not dissimilar to my mono nlack control deck The Dark Design. What you are looking for is an opening hand with a grand architect, any blue creature, liquimetal coating, a trinket mage an expedition map and a pair of islands.  I realise this is the god hand, but to be honest you can do this trick any number of ways so I’ll just skip to the end.

Once you have the Expedition Map ready to go, you’re looking for the Eye Of Ugin. Now it’s safe to assume that you’re going to have some blue creatures in play and if you have a Grand Architect and the liquimetal coating in play you’re probably going to win...

In your opponents turn, use the Liquimetal Coating to turn the Eye of Ulgin into an artifact (yep, you guessed it and it works) tap any blue creatures to tutor up the Forge Master, as the Eye OF Ulgin searches for colourless creatures not just Eldrazi.

In your turn play the Forgemaster and if you can, play the trinket mage and get the Voltaic Key if you don’t have it already.

Next you need to tutor up a Wurmcoil Engine, using the eye and the Architect’s trick again, play it in your turn. This will give you some defence until their next end step.

This time sac the wormcoil and a liquimetal coated land and drop a chalice for zero to sac to the Forgemaster and go get the portal.  As you already have the key, imprint this and make as many keys as you can by tapping blue creatures and un-tapping the portal. You should be able to make upwards of 6 and you can now sac 3, at instant speed at any time to tutor up the other Wurmcoil for defence or the Mind Slaver to steal your opponents next turn or the Platinum Imperium to stabilise your life.

At the end of your opponents next turn use the liquimetal coating and the Eye to look for the Spawnsire or Ulamog if you have enough mana to play him. If you need to, go find the elixir and replenish your library.  As soon as you find a Chalice you’ve won, quite literally.  

Remember! Whenever you have spare mana use it to generate keys.

The end game is simple, you use blue creatures to create huge kicked chalices and then the excess keys to un-tap them, this should enable you to play the Spawnsire in one turn and then all you need to do is use the Liquimetal Coating  to turn the Spawnsire into an artifact and then you can use your blue creatures to activate the ultimate ability and bring in your horde of Eldrazi from outside the game, or even just Emrakul and few other fatties.  

The synergy of this deck is incredibly fluid, once you have those keys in play you can tap and un-tap nearly everything by tuning everything into artifacts with the Liquimetal Coating and then using the keys to un-tap the coating and then moving on to the next one. You can even use the blue creatures to tap for 2 mana then use the Liquimetal Coating to turn them into artifacts and use 1 of the 2 to un-tap them so you can tap them again for 2, leaving 1 mana floating.  With enough keys you can achieve almost anything.

The Liquimetal trick also works on the Cryptologists which will help you dig deeper in the deck and once you have the portal and the key you can create enough keys to tap and unto the world...

Here’s an example....

Let’s say you have...  1 Eye Ugin and 5 islands in play...A Grand  Architect, a forgemaster and two hatchlings on the battlefield, a key on the portal and liquimetal coating and last turn you made 3 keys...

This turn you can... tap an island to make a key, tap a trickster to make 2 mana use 1 to untap the portal and make another key use the last to make another key... sac three keys to the Forgemaster go get Mindslaver, tap the other trickster and the architect for 4 mana and sac Mindslaver to take opponents next turn.  Use the liquimetal coating to make the Architect an artifact, tap an island for 1 mana, use a key to un-tap him, tap him for 2 mana, use 1 mana on another key to untap the portal and then make another key, keep using your islands to keep making keys until you have one key left and 3 mana, use this to untap the forgemaster, sac 3 keys to go get the Elixir of Immortatilty use 2 mana to tap and sac the elixir and reset your deck...

Next turn you can do the same thing again and your opponent... will never have another turn.

This deck also has solid defence from the one drop 0/4 hatchlings and once the Forgemaster is in play you should be able to tutor up anything you need rather than play them, so counter spells will have limited effect on your deck. It’s a blue deck, so sideboard counter spells for game two because whilst it may be funny to have 15 Eldrazi marching out of the sideboard in the middle of the game, there’s really no need, as an Emrakul will pretty much win the game for you.

 I’ve tested it against most decks and its pretty quick and left unchecked, this deck will eat pretty much anything, although it is weak against memoricide in game two, hence the counter spells. In the first game unless your opponent has a great start or main deck artifact hate, they are going to really struggle to compete.
This deck is really fun to play and it will leave your opponent scratching their heads and looking like you’ve just punched their favourite puppy.  

 Now I feel I should say that this deck also works with pretty much any artifact you can think of..  I have gone for the cheapest options, but you could swap out the Platinum Emperium for the Masticore and of course you could have a horrid amount of Eldrazi in your sideboard and if you can afford the Big Three (Kozilek, Ulamog, Emrakul) then they would be worth including... but it also works with out them and come on guys whens the next time you're actually going to play any Artisans of Kozilek. Pathrazers of Ulamog or It That Betrays?


Nov 12th

Ok after some playtesting I reccomend that the following changes are made to make the deck even more playable.

 You can drop the Trinket mages because the forgemasters can find all the combo pieces a lot earlier and you really need the spaces for more portals and voltaic keys, you can also drop a chalice and an islond for more expedtitoin maps...

In yoir sideboard you really only need three emrakuls to win the game and use the other spaces to safety proof the deck...  

As soon as you reach Spawnsires ultimate ability, play Emerakul.  In your second turn swing with him, after combat play the second one, which will give you another turn and destroy the pair of them . In your next turn play the last one...If you don't win, your opponent is somehow cheating or you don't deserve to win..

Update Nov 13th

Ok now I call the deck Eldrazi ramp, but to be honest that's not really the trick...
What this deck is really trying to achieve is a forgemaster in play (Easy enough!) and then to tutor a portal  and imprint the key... with any blue creatures and an architect (or even without) this deck can do increadible things... 

Lets say the erchitect is in play...  and just one other blue creature 1 liquimetal coating and I've made 2 keys and I  have 4 lands...

Watch this for card advantage...

In your turn I can make 7 voltaic keys...

...on my turn I can  sac and use the remaining mana to tap and untap the forgemaster enough times to play both my wurmcils,  my emperion, sac both my wurmcoils,  tutor up an elixir tap and sac it (gain 5 life potentially... ) and then retutor both the wurm coils back into play...

thats 4 lands for 2 x 6/6 deathtouch/lifelinkers 2 x 3/3 lifelinkers and 2 x 3/3 deathtouchers  and an 8/8 thats says my life doesn't change...oh and I gained 5 life...
oh actually I don't do I? or do I?... because I can make one of the tokens blue and then sac the emperium in response before gainng the life and then retutoring the Emperium...Also remember that most permanents can be turned into artifacts and thus become viable targets for the grand architects... Celestial Colonnade,  Dawnglare invoker,  air servent etc etc etc....  

Here's the match ups...

Eldrazi ramp.... If you can get the portal and the key on turn 4/5 and then tutor for the Emperion... There is little they can do to beat you.... Even if they Ulamog they Emperion you can just tutor up the elixir tap sac it and use another key on the forgemaster and re tutor the Emperion again... all in the same turn... with the amount of keys you can generate each turn Annihilator just tickles and because Empoerion and portal are colourless they can't all is dust it...

Elves - use the Kraken hatchlings early game turn 2/3 to stop early damage, but don't let them die.  Then when you get the architect/ eye get the forgemaster and portal… if you can survive until the Emperio is out you should win... a really funny way to finish elves is to mindslave them late game and genisis wave them to death... as they MAY choose to put any cards revealed by the wave onto the battlefield and you will chose not to and therefore mill them to death with their own card… if they are running ulamog, play him and take out their biggest threat with him as you can make any number of keys each turn it won’t matter...

Valakut  because Valakut is such a one trick pony as soon as you can, tutor up a mindslaver and just ruin their game by using all their explores, cultivates and tap and sac the shrines to bring in all the mountains you can because when those mountains are on the field and they run out there deck is useless... 

Red deck will probably eat you

Blue white control  - you'll need to keep recurring mindslaver and doing the wrong things with their planeswalkers... fate seal them with jace and bounce jace with venser to keep him down, use gideon to blow up their creatures...If they wrath you could be n trouble..

That’s about it... It’s a fun deck, but needs some work...


Wednesday, 10 November 2010

My kind of girl

Just please don't tell me they're alphas!

New Deck - Mono White - Hard Kor

 I’ve had a good look through the lists and I’ve discovered a bit of a gap. 

There’s a green deck and few red decks a black deck and even a blue deck, but we’re missing a white deck and that’s just not cricket. 

White is my colour of choice, my own standard deck is white and I will get to it eventually, I played it last night at FNM and devastated Blue White control in my first game. At the end of the game, my opponent had six Jaces in his graveyard, four Mind Sculptors and two babies, two Vensers and a Gideon which if my calculations are correct is about £350. It was a hell of a fight, and my opponent did take the next game to force the draw, but it goes to show that with some thought you can consistently beat the ‘top decks’.  I promise I’ll post it soon, but mean while, I did some thinking and I reckon there’s a few solid white decks in standard at the moment, but today I’m presenting my homage to white weenie.  I call it...

Hard Kor.

You will need.

17 Plains

Ok so this deck is pure aggro, the idea is to get the Armament Master out as early in the game as you can, cover him with cheap equipment and then suddenly your little Kor Army will be looking very nasty indeed.

If you can get an axe on the Master and an axe and a collar on the Duellist, you’ll have a 5/5 double strike/death touch/life-linker ready to defend by turn 4 and by turn five he could be swinging for 18 damage easily.

As early in the game a you can, get a shield on the master to take him out of the range of burn and the rest of the game should be yours.  Use the outfitters to flit equipment back and forth to your advantage and to keep your manna open for more attackers.

Use the Hook Master to take out any opposition and the missionaries if you need some life in a hurry. The cartographers serve double purpose in helping you get to Emeria’s ultimate and triggering landfall for the adventuring gear and remember it stacks, so a duellist equipped with two adventuring gears when the cartographer comes in could swing for18 damage alone.  More if you have an equipped Armament Master. Almost every Creature in the deck is a Kor creature with an extra ability so the +2 +2 bonus from the Master will make them very potent indeed.

Once you have the mana, open simply use the Invokers to take out the defence and the game should be yours. Keeping it mono white and playing a high range of plains will help reach your goal of getting Emeria online, and remember once it’s up and running, bringing back a titan will also bring back almost everything in your deck so don’t worry if they get countered or destroyed early on, the graveyard isn’t a bad place for them in this deck. 
The tectonics will take out pesky threats like other tectonics and horrible non basic like Raging Ravine, Celestial Colonade and Valakut.

You’ll have so much fun with the Sun Titans in this deck. Swinging in and before blockers are declared, reanimating an outfitter to put a collar on the Titan, or a hundred different plays. Remember the Titan can also bring back the tectonic edges, so don’t be afraid to use them on your opponents land and if you do get ‘edged’ yourself the Titan can also bring back Emeria.

You can still pick up pre release Sun Titans for under £5, making them officially the cheapest of the five, this can’t last for long so get them now.

Get them here...

So there we have it, our first mono white deck and I think it’s cheap, fun and very playable.

Price wise, the promo titans are the most expensive cards at £5 followed by the Collars at £4, Emeria the Sky Ruin is about £2 and the Armament Master is only £1.

If you wanted to jazz it up a little you could add an Iona or a couple of Stone Forge Mystics and maybe sword of Vengeance/ Body and Mind, but it works well as it is. Any way have fun and please send in your ideas, comments and thoughts.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

A Word About EDH

Elder Dragon Highlander

Often referred to as simply E D H, this is probably my favourite faction of magic. EDH is usually played as a multi player game and decks can vary hugely in power and price. Its also very much aboiut diplomacy, you can win games by losing and lose games by playing the best card and sometimes looking at the wrong player funny will take you out of the running,.I love it, because of all these things.
I’ll tell you the basics and if you want to learn more I’ll post some links in a moment, but there’s a point to this story and I want to get to it...

So basically to build an EDH deck, you will need...

One legendary general... Rule of thumb, the more abilities the better...

One 100 card deck ( including the general ) No duplicate cards (except basic lands ) and only cards in the colours of your general...

The general starts off outside of the game in a special exile (known as the command zone, if he is killed or exiled you may return him to the command zone and replay him, but each time you do he/she costs 2 colourless mana more to play,. this is accumulative)
 You have 40 life and if you take 21 points of combat damage from a single general you lose.

And that in a nutshell is EDH.

The full rules can be found here...

Last night we played a four player match.  Dave P, Tim H, myself and Kitt.  Both Dave P and Tim H are seeded players, indeed one of them is in the UK’s top 20...
Kitt and I are not.  

Dave’s deck is a carefully created collection of his best cards and his general is Rafiq of the Many, a particularly despised general in the world of EDH, Tim is playing Teneb the Harvester, Kitt is playing Kemba, Kha Regeant and I am playing Patron of the Akki.  

Where this story gets interesting is how the game went, by the second turn both Tim and Dave had at least £100 of cards on the table. Dave’s got a pair of dual lands and Tim is sporting a Mox Diamond and Maze of ith. Now you have to remember that Kitt’s equipment deck is half cats and half rusty swords, bread knives and pots and pans and I picked up my general in a 30p box at the local store and there is only one kind of land in my deck and they are high and pointy and people like to climb them.

Naturally Kitt and I won. Well Kitt won really, but I gave him the game and our smug alert went off the chart...

Over the next week, I shall be building my fifth EDH and I intend to theme the entire thing around cows.  You may laugh and I suspect you might, but trust me when you’ve been beaten to death by a herd of herbivores the laughing stops. (on a related note I was once killed by an alarming amount of Squirrels, which was just embarrassing) 

So to help me on this quest, I’d like all of you to find as many cow or more importantly cow related cards as you can and send me the suggestions.

I also want to know if you have similarly insane theme decks. Do you have a Gang of Gingers? or a Bat Attack deck? or anything weird and wonderful? Send in your deck lists and I’ll create a top ten bizarre EDH deck list...

The email is
